Don’t call it a “streaming WAR”. It is not a war!
It becomes common practice to speak of the #streaming wars. I fell prey to this wording myself. And yet, I grew to despise this coining of a regular and completely normal market competition a “war”.
A war – as defined in Wikipedia, for instance – is “an intense armed conflict …between states, governments, societies, or paramilitary groups such as mercenaries, insurgents, and militias. It is generally characterized by extreme violence, aggression, destruction, and mortality, using regular or irregular military forces.”
How can we apply such a definition of outmost cruelty to a race between companies or services that are meant to bring fun, entertainment and joy to everyone (and they certainly do)?
I mean, common, we are not fighting over crucial resources here, that are utterly needed for the survival of a tribe, nation or power-hungry regime. The “fight” is maybe over audience attention and subscribers’ dollars. And even that can be disputed.
In a war, things and – that is the most ugly part of it – people get destroyed, killed, molested and hurt.
We in media do not do this (at least, when we are at our best). We enchant, we inform, we educate and we celebrate people. We do not stomb on lives, we uplift them. That should be our calling. Not a call the the arms.
We enchant, we inform, we educate and we celebrate people. We do not stomp on lives, we uplift them. That should be our calling. Not a call the the arms.
The streaming service competition is fierce. No doubt about it. The race is on for getting a nice junk of the cake. Yet this cake is big, rich and nutritious. More though, the cake is getting bigger constantly. We are fighting over a resource that is massive and there in abundance for everyone. It is not a war – it is a walk through the gardens in paradise.
Ultimately, we will see many different types of streaming services in the market that cater to a large variety of tastes, demographics, interests and budgets. We are creating a new media universe with lots of opportunities for content, for technology and for consumption.
We CREATE new experiences in a new world full of hope and joy. Ultimately, we make this world even a little bit better. ‼️
Let’s not talk about streaming wars anymore. Let’s call it streaming universe. It’s more positive and more accurate !
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