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Omar Essack

Omar Essack is a 30 year veteran of the Audio Broadcasting industry. He started his
career as a radio & TV presenter in 1990, before running two of the largest
broadcast media companies in South Africa, Kagiso Media and Primedia Group. He
also trained media managers in Asia for Deutsche Welle and has spoken at various
media conferences around the world, including the inaugural Indian Radio Forum.
In his most recent role as the Group CEO at Primedia, he established a Data
Analytics Centre of Excellence and led the development of new data and technology
driven solutions for customers of their Audio and Out of Home businesses. The
creation of ‘Digital Like, Data Optimised Solutions’ resulted in a market leadership
position for the Group’s OOH division and market share growth for their Radio
His work in post-Apartheid South Africa, transforming a radio station designed for
white audiences into the first multiracial ‘rainbow station’ a year after he became
CEO, is the subject of a chapter called: ‘Decisive Leadership: Leaders that Create
Extraordinary Outcomes’ from the book ‘Managing Media Businesses: A Game Plan
to Navigate Disruption & Uncertainty’ by Prof. Mike Rosenberg of IESE Business
School and Dr Iris Firstenberg of UCLA Anderson School of Management.
Omar is now an independent consultant, television news anchor and digital nomad,
who works with RedTech International on content and business development and as
a panel facilitator for their CEO summits and conferences.

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